Spiritual Detangling Intensive
Spiritual Detangling Intensive
“Deconstruction” has become a buzzword, but what many of us are really doing is spiritual detangling—learning to separate our faith from the narratives we’ve inherited from high control spaces. If we want to hold onto faith, it’s essential to detangle what we truly believe about Jesus and what is simply the weight of expectation, fear, or control.
This intensive is designed to work with you one on one over a short period of time, to help give you the tools to strip back the layers, untangle complicated spiritual beliefs, and discern what you truly hold as your own. Through guided reflection, practical tools, and honest conversation, you’ll explore what it means to anchor your soul—not in systems or structures, but in the Spirit Himself. The intensive will include:
An initial assessment with Introduction video + self-eval processing
3 x 50 mins one-on-one remote coaching sessions
Weekly prompts and assignments
Because faith was never meant to be a cage. It was meant to be a foundation.